Saturday, July 11, 2009

Church Carnival

Wow...i have to admit church canival is way better. The things are cheaper like every games is only 1 buck!! The game rock too. Lol, father Simon(priest) really know how to enjoy himself! His dog is so HUGE!!!! Seriously,i'm not kidding! It follow him everywhere and when it came to my stall i was so shock when i turn and spot a big animal behind me. But it's soo cute! He gives small kids to ride him. His big enought to carry 3-5 years old. Aha..good times..good times.:) The food there are yummy! I'm glad that my stall got people intrested to play.:) It's called'Wheel of Fortune'. Oh.. the anime pics i put in my blog was just for fun. Plus to make it not so boring.
Anyway...*sigh*nothing to say..again..hmm........oh yeah! I can't beliave that our school change the time table again!!! Aisyoh! Sooo many times already! It's the 4th time! Sadly we got a few teachers that been replace. Noooooooo!!! I don't want new teacher to teach me! :'( oh.. gotta go. Bye:)


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