Saturday, July 25, 2009

Yesss!! Finally made facebook! Aha I'm so happy!! Made alot a friends too. Anyway, aww!! No more CF !(Christian Fellowship) So sad!:'( The form 5's are not gonna be here next year.*sniff*sniff* I'm gonna miss them expectually Audrey.*sigh* time seriously past very fast!! Oh no! Next next week got exam!! NOOOOOOOOOO!! That mean's no tv,no com,no storybooks,no going for Ninjitsu!! No! Not Ninjitsu!:( Anyway, today Ninjitsu rock! Except the part where i partner with this boy who hit my nose,my leg and it's swollen!!Arghh! It's painful.

But it's awesome. Lol.:) Oh yeah! Pn.Chan my maths teacher went for the...hmm..something like filmming on channel 9! Welll something like that..but cool!! Aww man today got footloose! Too bad can't go. Hehe..whoever want to loose their foot can go and see just like joee said.:) Oh..forgot to chruch carnival was a sucess expectually 'The Wheel Of Fortune' which is me and Janice hepl out with. Cool! They present us with a radio tape recorder..pretty lame i know but at least it's better than nothing. I might won't be able to go online for sometime so i won't update my blog for a while. But..uh nothing to say. Well see yeah.:)


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