Saturday, August 8, 2009

Awesome!! Today Ninjutsu once again was awesome!! Cool!! Anyway, Aiya!! I accidently punch this dude on the face and made his mouth bleed! I'M SO SORRY!! I didn't mean too!! If you read this i'm saying i'm so sorry!! Oh yeah! As you can see at my cbox there's a sick person commenting stupid things at my cbox!! Hey you! Leave me alone! I got better things to do than to read your stupid comments!! Bloody****** how dare you called my friends dumb! Good for nothing ***** nothing else to do ah?! I'm not trying to be rude or's just that i don't care what this dude problem is just say to me in person instead of cowardly write stupid stuff at my blog! No one like's if people do stuff like that,rigth?So please understand. I hate people insult someone if they didn't anything to that person. If i did than we can discuss this in person. *sigh* hey Jac!! Stop worrying about maths cause i bet your marks are higher than me! Here's a pic to make you feel better!:

See? Doesn't it make you feel jelly on the inside?? I know i do!:)

I'll type more soon now got log off. Bye-Bye!:)XD


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