Friday, August 14, 2009

Hello!!! Long time didn't post!! So how's it going people?! this week we pratice singing'Keranamu' like what man!! The competiton is next week!! Arghhhhhhhhhhhh! We're not ready yet! Oh well,i'm sure we ll do better. Alright people!!! 2 Jujur is GONNA win the competiton and there's nothing you can do about it!!! LOSERS!!!! Just kidding! Whatever class win the competition is not my prob. I can't beliave there's a another exam on September!! That's soo unfair!! The government is sooo on my list!! Lol. Hehe..finally got exams results and not badlah but i'm suprise i did well in chinesse eventhough chinesse is the last subject i want to past. But Wahoo!! Thank goodness!;) Hmm..i think i like chicken rice better than Wan Tan Mee..sorry too much crap!! But that's the way i like it.:) Oh yeah!! Ever heard of smkseafield gossip??'s just a little something me and Joee like to do..we tell secret gossips about someone but it's not it's not gonna hurt someone feelings just to make you laugh for example: Did you know that Rohen from 2 jujur is actually a WOMEN???!!!! *Gasp* Arghhhhhhhh!!. Something like that. We try it on a few people and it's a hit! If you have any information about someone please tell us and we'll take care of it.:) It may be boring but we find it intresting:) Aha..i can't beliave i'm craping alot today. *Gasp* tomorrow got school!! But to bad not going.:)Better not write so much.See yeah!!:)


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