Friday, August 21, 2009


HOLIDAY!!!!!!! Wahoooo!!!! nothing beats great hols!:) Finally i can do stuff i want like go online until my eyes burst in front of the screen! Looks like fun.:) The best part of all..not need to worry about school!:') *Gasp* i can't beliave 2L won the moral competetion.:'( NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! *sniff*sniff* i guess the moonwalk didn't help. Maybe teacher's not a MJ fan. Hmmm..blast man!! Jo3e said don't need to sing on stage during Merdeka day.Ha! Let's stare at them with weird expression and make them do mistake on stage! Muahahahahaha!! Just kidding!:) Congrates Jac!:) Ahhhh! can't go ninjitsu until hols are over! Nooo! i remember the good times i had..:'( oh well..gotta go.*sigh* my bro wants to go online too.:(


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