Saturday, July 25, 2009

Yesss!! Finally made facebook! Aha I'm so happy!! Made alot a friends too. Anyway, aww!! No more CF !(Christian Fellowship) So sad!:'( The form 5's are not gonna be here next year.*sniff*sniff* I'm gonna miss them expectually Audrey.*sigh* time seriously past very fast!! Oh no! Next next week got exam!! NOOOOOOOOOO!! That mean's no tv,no com,no storybooks,no going for Ninjitsu!! No! Not Ninjitsu!:( Anyway, today Ninjitsu rock! Except the part where i partner with this boy who hit my nose,my leg and it's swollen!!Arghh! It's painful.

But it's awesome. Lol.:) Oh yeah! Pn.Chan my maths teacher went for the...hmm..something like filmming on channel 9! Welll something like that..but cool!! Aww man today got footloose! Too bad can't go. Hehe..whoever want to loose their foot can go and see just like joee said.:) Oh..forgot to chruch carnival was a sucess expectually 'The Wheel Of Fortune' which is me and Janice hepl out with. Cool! They present us with a radio tape recorder..pretty lame i know but at least it's better than nothing. I might won't be able to go online for sometime so i won't update my blog for a while. But..uh nothing to say. Well see yeah.:)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Here's some pics for you to enjoy!!:)

Wow! Today Ninjutsu was awsome!!! Hehe learn how to do rolls and falls properly. Must
get green belt this year and beat Sing Joo! I'm must become green belt before she does!Lol. Anyway...oh yeah!!! My cousin's birthday this Wed!! Yay!! She finally turning 17 ha..what an old goat!! Sorry meli,just joking:) This sheatha ah!! Ask her to come for Ninjutsu but didn't come!! Aisyoh she's gonna get it on Mon!!:-/ Yay!! I finally link people!! I hope they don't mind.:) I'm so glad.*glowing* aha just joking. Well..not much to say but i think i'll post some pics tommorrow.:)

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Arghhhhhhhhhhh!! My knee!!:'(*sniff* It's all that GIRL's fault!! She stand there soo blind cannot see people walking then i want to walk she suddenly stop then i fall down. Soo pain! She didn't even say sorry!!:-/ People this days!! Even SING JOO didn't help me get up just stand there with her mouth open like a fish!! Some friend!! *sigh*....oh yeah..poor bm teacher!! His back hurt and today he nearly fall down whenever he want's to write something on the board. Everyone was shock.:( Let's pray for him to recover from his back paint. Hmm..ah lazy to go Ninjitsu this Sat. Might be boring..Oh! Tomorrow Sheatha's birthday!! Wahoo! I'm gonna splash water at her till she's all drench.:) Well, chat later bye.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Church Carnival

Wow...i have to admit church canival is way better. The things are cheaper like every games is only 1 buck!! The game rock too. Lol, father Simon(priest) really know how to enjoy himself! His dog is so HUGE!!!! Seriously,i'm not kidding! It follow him everywhere and when it came to my stall i was so shock when i turn and spot a big animal behind me. But it's soo cute! He gives small kids to ride him. His big enought to carry 3-5 years old. Aha..good times..good times.:) The food there are yummy! I'm glad that my stall got people intrested to play.:) It's called'Wheel of Fortune'. Oh.. the anime pics i put in my blog was just for fun. Plus to make it not so boring.
Anyway...*sigh*nothing to say..again..hmm........oh yeah! I can't beliave that our school change the time table again!!! Aisyoh! Sooo many times already! It's the 4th time! Sadly we got a few teachers that been replace. Noooooooo!!! I don't want new teacher to teach me! :'( oh.. gotta go. Bye:)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Hooray!! Finally got music in my blog.Lol, All thanks to Joee!:) This week got nothing to tell except..*glup* REPORT CARD!!Ahhhhhhhhhh!! Good thing i past all.:) Aisyoh! Tomorrow got another carnival(church)!! Must go soo early to help out.*sigh* well at least i might get free food. Ninjitsu was awesome!! But sadly today got camp so not much people. But who cares? The less the least don't have sensei shout his head off.:) Want to see something weird?

Now that's something you don't see everyday.:)

Aha..nothing to say already..except my class couldn't stop talking about MJ!! Come on people!! It's not like he's really gone...*gasp* he could right behind you! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Lol. Maybe i'll update my blog tomorrow.:)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Ahhh..doesn't this pic makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside?? No? Well,it does for me.:)
I always feel happy and joy whenever i hear what great miracles He did. It's ok if you don't understand what i'm trying to say but...i think God is amazing. I'm thinking of having a prayer box.:) You just type your pray in it and that's it.Just pray for what you want. It doesn't have to be personal though. I love Jesus!!!!! His awesome! His my hero and always will be. I'm proud to be a christian.Lol. Anyway,gotta go but don't worry i'll type more. CHEESE!!=)

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Cool!! Today was sooo awesome!The carnival rock!!
I'm glad that i came.Plus, i invite some of my old friends and i'm glad that they enjoyed themselves. Lol, the haunted house wasn't so scary after all...i went with Sabrina and she started screaming like HELL, together with a small boy. My dad told me that when he was a kid,he loves to go to the haunted house but he and his gang went inside and beat up all the people who are dressed up like ghosts. My dad said he did that for FUN. Well i guess that's how he called it fun.Kids this days. Oh..i'm glad jo came for the carnival,i thought she ain't coming. Finally our stall manage to sell all the food and collect alot of cupons :). He he..Jaclyn was extreamly happy when the DJ played MJ songs.*sight* i don't think she'll ever get over it with MJ. I mean come on Jac!! He's still with us that's sounds creepy. Anyway,i'll write more soon..oh wait! I forgot! Exam next week!!*Gasp* can't go online!! NOOOOOOOOOO! This is serious! What happen to children's fun?? Can't breath!! Lol. much drama.Bye:)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Oh Yeah!! This Sun is the CARNIVAL!! Yay, the day finally had come.:)
i bet there will be tons of food! When there's food..i'm soo there! i heard that fazriyan has shiff! That means no more Mr.Annoying! Oh well,life move on.
Pn.Praba was seriously crazy about the carnival. She keep on going about the prize and finally she stops her long speech with a 'Thank you'. She thanked us like 10 times! She said it after every 5 seconds!LOL. I guess she must be greatful with our SO called hardwork.
I'll write more after the carnival. Bye.:)